christian leaders are boundless
We're connecting students
to influential leaders
across faiths
NF is equipping students for boundless Christian leadership in the 21st century by introducing them to influential Muslims in their industry.
Since 2020, we've provided select Christian college faculty
1-hour virtual "meet, learn, and Q+A" experiences for their classes.
Students will meet influential industry leaders and learn more about leading across faiths in their future study, careers, and calling.
students are saying:
"this was amazing!
I am inspired and challenged to develop genuine relationships with Muslims."
"Eye opening!"
"NF connected us with a broad network that spoke life into our campus to meet students' needs."
"LOVED this Event!"
"It was fantastic! I am praying that this event becomes an annual thing!"
"NF really impacted students and challenged their perspectives."
We keep things simple: speakers join the class on Zoom, greet students, and present for 20 minutes on a mutually agreed scholarly or professional topic relevant to the class. Then 30+ minutes for discussion and Q+A.
Who pays for this?
NF covers all costs. Funding for this program is generously provided by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations.
What is required from me?
A devoted section of class time and some background on what students might be interested in learning. We take care of the rest!
Have you done this before?
We've run programs at dozens of Christian colleges and all kinds of classrooms. See a full list here. Read about similar events here, here, here and here.
Can I bring in more than one speaker?
Yes. If you have multiple classes we may be able to bring a speaker to each. We also encourage combining multiple classes into a single session.
I have questions...
Send Julia any questions at julia@neighborlyfaith.org
view & Request
Humanities SPEAKERS

Lecturer, University of Leeds, author of Radical Hospitality: American Policy, Media, and Immigration (2022)
Social Science SPEAKERS
Bible & Theology SPEAKERS
request speaker
Spaces are limited. If interested, please reach out ASAP.
What to expect:
1. Reach out to Julia to book at julia@neighborlyfaith.org
2. We'll reply within 2 business days
3. Together, we agree upon a time and topic via email.
4. NF provides a Zoom invitations to you and your class. Our staff will attend to introduce speakers and resolve any technical issues.